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Social Network Sharing

StairArtist now provides the ability to share staircase layout constructions on the social networks Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+!

According to the July, 2013 issue of Website Magazine, 12% of users are influenced by likes and +1s, and 74% of marketers say Facebook is important to their lead-generation strategies.

The following social network share buttons are present in your instance of StairArtist:

    for Facebook
    for Pinterest
    for Google+

When you or your customer shares a staircase layout using your instance of StairArtist, your company name is mentioned in the share.  When someone clicks the shared link on Facebook, Pinterest, or Google+, they are taken to your instance of StairArtist, and the staircase layout that was shared is opened within your tool.

Benefits of Social Network Sharing

1.  Free and powerful Internet marketing
Social network shares that you and your customers create can and will be
shared repeatedly by others, giving your company increased exposure.
2.  Customer-pleasing use of the latest technology
Sharing on social networks makes it easy for your customers to get input
from friends and family about staircase layouts they are considering.
Pinterest pin boards make it easier for your customers to perform side-by-side
comparisons of layouts they are considering.
3.  You will close deals faster
With the increased input your customers have from friends and family, and the
ability to perform side-by-side comparisons on Pinterest pin boards, your
customers will be able to decide more quickly on their purchase.

StairArtist + Pinterest = Increased Sales Productivity

The combination of StairArtist and Pinterest provides a powerful new way
for you to increase your sales productivity.

To see details of the benefits of sharing on Pinterest, click here.

Social Network Analytics

We are capturing analytics related to social network sharing that occurs using your instance of StairArtist.  We will make that information available to you through our website, in the near future.

Do you have any questions?  Contact us for more information.